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Russia Welcomes Crypto Mining with New Legislation


  • Russia has embraced crypto mining with newly enacted legislation by the nation’s president.
  • The new law became a necessity to salvage the country’s dwindling economy.
  • The global crypto market displayed strength with over 5% appreciations in the past 24 hours.

After years of going back and forth with unfavorable crypto regulations, Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, has finally bowed to pressure. In the news making rounds, the Russian president signed a new law on crypto mining and other related activities in the European nation.

Per a local news agency domiciled in Russia, the newly signed legal framework takes effect ten days after its official publication. However, some provisions that may be crucial in the new legislation might have distinct later dates.

Features of the New Legislation

Aside from crypto and Bitcoin mining, the newly approved law included features like a mining pool, address identifier, mining infrastructure operator, and the individual in charge of assembling mining pool events. Contrary to conventional knowledge, the new legislation envisages mining as an aspect of turnover rather than digital currency issuance.

Conditions for Crypto Mining

As expected, the newly enacted law had some conditions attached, which users must meet before engaging in mining activities. Firstly, intending miners must registered as legal entities in Russia or individual entrepreneurs. Similarly, unregistered individuals interested in mining are only permitted to do so without exceeding the energy consumption limit set by the government.

Foreign Digital Assets Trading

For foreign digital assets, the new law stipulated trading the commodities on Russian blockchain platforms. However, the Bank of Russia can proscribe the placement of individual issues posing as threats to the European country’s economy.

New Legislation Aims to Salvage Russia’s Dwindling Economy

It is no longer news that Russia has engaged in Ukraine in a protracted war, with Russia dominating and wreaking havoc on its opponent. Consequently, Russia is facing several sanctions owing to the oppressor tag against it for invading Ukraine. Because of the sanctions, the European nation has suffered significant economic downtrends, emanating mainly from the inability to transact globally.

With the worsening economic situation, it became apparent that Russia must seek alternatives to salvage its dwindling economy. Hence, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies emerged as the only feasible alternative courtesy of its borderless and less restricted transaction range. Following the enactment of the new legislation, it becomes safe to say that Russia’s economic resuscitation journey has begun.

Russia’s Crypto Mining Approval Coincides with Solana ETF Endorsement

While crypto enthusiasts in Russia will likely be basking in the euphoria of the newly signed law, the Brazilian crypto community is also celebrating. For context, the South American nation took the crypto market by storm with the first Solana Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) approval in the South American country.

Recent events are proving that crypto adoption is soaring at an impressive rate. The soaring crypto penetration implies faith in digital assets as the mainstay of the future financial landscape. Additionally, it will encourage countries with strict sanctions to embrace cryptocurrencies as a global payment system.

Global Market Skyrockets by 5% in 24 Hours

At the time of press, the global crypto market has a $2.179 trillion valuation following a 5.9% upswing in the past 24 hours. Considering its present worth, the entire market capitalization has appreciated by approximately 77.17% within a year. The skyrocketing global market valuation underscores the impacts of recent happenings.


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